Command line interface

Using the command line you can issue one single command and let WorldEngine generate a world for you.

worldengine [options] [world|plates|ancient_map|info]

General options

Short Long Description
-o DIR –output-dir=DIR generate files in DIR default = ‘.’
-n STR –worldname=STR set world name to STR
  –hdf5 save world using protocol buffer format [default: protocol buffer format ]
-s N –seed=N use SEED to initialize the pseudo-random generation
-t STR –step=STR use STEP to specify how far to proceed in the world generation process. Valid values are: plates precipitations full
-x N –width=N WIDTH of the world to be generated
-y N –height=N HEIGHT of the world to be generated
-q N –number-of-plates=N number of plates
  –recursion-limit=N you need that just if you encounter an error while generating very large maps
-v –verbose Enable verbose messages
  –version Display version information
–bw –black-and-white Draw maps in black and white (currently affects only the precipitation and temperature maps)

Options valid only for generate

Short Long Description
-r FILE –rivers=FILE Produce a map of rivers, after the option it expects the name of the file where to generate the map
–gs –grayscale-heightmap Produce a grayscale heightmap
  –ocean_level=N Elevation cut off for sea level [default = 1.0]
  –temps #/#/#/#/#/# Specify the quantiles used to identify the temperature levels. It should contains values in [0,1]. [default = .126/.235/.406/.561/.634/.876]
  –humidity #/#/#/#/#/#/# Specify the quantiles used to identify the humidity levels. It should contains values in [0,1]. [default = .059/.222/.493/.764/.927/.986/.998]
-gv N –gamma-value N N = Gamma value for temperature/precipitation gamma correction curve. [default = 1.25]
-go N –gamma-offset N N = Adjustment value for temperature/precipitation gamma correction curve. [default = .2]
  —not-fade-borders Avoid fading borders
  –scatter Generate temperature vs. humidity scatter plot
  –sat Generate satellite map

Options valid only for ancient map operations

Short Long Description
-w FILE –worldfile=FILE WORLD_FILE to be loaded
-g FILE –generatedfile=FILE name of the GENERATED_FILE
-f N –resize-factor=N resize factor
  –sea_color help=”string for color [blue|brown], [default = brown]
  –not-draw-biome Not draw biome
  –not-draw-mountains Not draw mountains
  –not-draw-rivers Not draw rivers
  –draw-outer-border Draw outer land border

Export options

Short Long Description
  –export-format=FORMAT Export to a specific format such as BMP or PNG. See for possible formats [default = PNG]
  –export-datatype=TYPE Type of stored data, e.g. uint16, int32, float32 etc. [default = uint16]